Super-solid wood flooring
31, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

The results showed that the four indexes, such as thickness swelling rate, surface bonding strength, internal bond strength and formaldehyde emission, were all qualified. The unqualified items were mainly concentrated on the surface Wear and static bending strength. No wear-resistant layer or the poor wear-resistant laminate flooring, the surface is easy to wear and can not be repaired, the floor will soon lose their use value.WPC pergola

Individual enterprises in order to obtain profits, blindly reduce costs, in the production process using low-gram or non-wear-resistant wear-resistant paper, making the test product wear rate is not up to standard, this floor is not suitable for home And public places.outdoor decking

In addition, consumers should also be wary of some unscrupulous manufacturers will be unqualified laminate flooring called "imitation wood flooring", "super-solid wood flooring", "imitation wood flooring", "molded flooring" and other names confuse, deceive consumers . The supervision and inspection of the 26 kinds of parquet 5 items tested and found that formaldehyde emission, impregnation stripping, and several other physical properties of all qualified, a product surface wear unqualified.WPC flooring


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