[Abi vaja, selle mõtlemisel]
27, Tartu, Estonya


Just three more days until I finally get to go home with my crew. I can hardly wait. After four years of being on this damn ship, I can finally eat my wife’s cooking. This tubed stuff makes me sick. My kids must be all grown up already. I hope Sam and Mike are as well-behaved as I had left them. I paid Isabel $14600 yesterday, so she could pay for Samantha’s college and Mike’s school. She hasn't answered yet. I tried contacting her three days ago but she hasn't tried contacting me back. I don’t know why she hasn't answered.

I stood up from my bed, got dressed and took a step outside into the hall. It was quiet. I walked towards the mess hall, opened the doors, empty. Nobody was there. I walked to the large stairway and then to the center of sector C. There was nobody around. I walked past the shops of sector C and arrived in sector B, one of the largest sectors on the ship. All empty, not a single soul around. I continued walking, until i reached sector D, looked at a map of the ship and switched it to heat seeking mode. I spotted some heat signatures in some shops in sectors D and C. I started walking towards sector D’s shopping hall, in hopes of finding out where everyone was. As i arrived to the shop, i saw that the wall of the shop had a giant hole in it, like someone had broken in. I walked through the aisles. All the meat products were all chewed up and covered in some sort of slime. I bent down to feel the slime. It was warm and sticky. I kept moving on towards the end of the store, looking down at the slime covered floor. I heard some rustling behind a cooler. I carefully approached to see what it was, and a man stood up from behind the cooler. His pants and shirt were ripped up, like a dog had attacked him. A scar ran down his face. Right through the middle. I said hello, without a response. He just stared at me.

I turned around and walked away, towards the door. Peeking behind me, i saw that the odd man was not where he was before. I turned around and walked towards the coolers. The man was nowhere to be seen. I realized that i would be best off in my room. As i turned around, to run for the door, I saw the odd man standing in front of the door. I slowly walked towards him. As I approached I saw that his face had started bleeding from the scar on his face. I moved in a little closer, he kept staring at me. I moved past him, and walked out of the door. I turned to see what the man was doing, and again, he was gone.

I darted towards sector C to go to my room. I stopped at the corridor because I saw him again. At the end of the corridor, next to my room. His face split in half, revealing thousands of teeth. Three long arms darted out of his back. He started walking towards me, increasing his speed with every step. He moved towards me with demonic speed. I couldn't move anywhere. Like I was bolted to the ground. He unleashed his powerful claws deep into my flesh, spraying blood out of my back. I could not yell or move. The pain was unbearable, tingling throughout my body. I was paralyzed. He released me from his powerful and painful grip. Lifted his hand, and out of the skin, came an enormous claw, or blade, I could not make out the material of it, and darted it towards my neck.

Everything turned dark, i could not see what was happening anymore. I woke up in my bed. My body was tingling with pain. I quickly stood up from my bed and ran to the door, opened it and looked outside. People. They were everywhere, walking, talking. I was relieved that the monstrosities which i had seen were only part of a dream.


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