5 Things You Shouldn’t Tell Your New Girlfriend
35, Tallinn, Estonya

5 Things You Shouldn’t Tell Your New Girlfriend

September 18, 2009 by igorderysh


Many guys have problems talking to women because we don’t always know what to say. This is a pretty small problem considering that you could be the guy that is telling a girl WAY too much than he should be. Revealing something that weirds the girl out is the number one killer of budding relationships.

Here are five things to avoid bringing up when you are talking to a new girlfriend or a girl you are just trying to go home with.


1. Number of Sexual Partners

You don’t really want to know how many guys have been with the girl you are talking to, and you certainly don’t want her to know how many girls you have been with.

One the one hand, the number could be too high and she will think you’re a whore. On the other hand, the number could be too low and she will think that you don’t know what you are doing.

It is also a good to not answer the “how many women have you been with” question with something like “one more after tonight, baby.” Ok, that’s probably bad, too…



2. Bank Account

This is especially a problem in young relationships. Keep your personal crap out of her eyes – because if the relationship ever goes sour you can expect a lot of purchases from Saks to start popping up on your monthly statements.



3. You Love Her

If you are the ass who tells a girl that you love her after knowing her for like a week, you are setting yourself for a good ol’ life ruining. For one, she now has huge expectations and “marriage” is constantly on her mind. Secondly, you have squandered away the upper hand in the relationship and she will now proceed to make you her bitch. Finally, you don’t love her yet. You just like that ass. A lot.



4. Your Fetishes

It is not a good idea to ask if a girl if she is into tying guys up and strapping a car battery to a guy’s nipples while he is spanked by two midgets when your relationship is first starting out. Nor when your relationship is twenty years old for that matter. Seriously. Unless that scenario is the ONLY way your weird self can get off, keep it civil for a while.



5. Your Creepy Secrets

Some guys come right out with it and tell a girl about the Big Bird stuffed animal that they have slept with since they were four or about that time they were in the Boy Scouts and the scoutleader did more than bird watch. Don’t be that guy.



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