Looking for the special lady.
34, Käina, Estonia

 I´m looking for you in the shadows,
I´m looking for you in the night,
I´m looking for you in my heart
I´m looking for you to fight.

Something real,
something like,
 I´ve never seen
and love.

To fight for you with all my heart and sole and mind,
to love you with all I  have in  this sole of mine.
To hold you in my arm ones more, before I die,
To love you with all I´ve got and make you always mine.

I´m looking for the love, the love of my life,
I may have met her before, but I have never known,
that looking for somebody is the hardest way of life,
I´m looking for you who has my heart, I´m looking for my wife.


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