Дневник пользователя Darkness

38, Румыния

It is ridiculous and absolutely childish to vote with such notes because you have received a 5 vote.

For the beginning, it is impossible to buy Sol s in Romania. We don t have this option for SMS. So, I vote with 5, wich means a cool vote. What s so bad? Well, after voting me with 1, 2 and 3 you block me.
Waiting for just 10 marks means narcissism.
Thank you for voting me. You see, I m note a competition for you, I have 11th on the top. :)
And yes, I blocked you because isn t fair thatyou…

Oh, yes, my dear ones ... On the internet you find everything because it is conceived as a true circus, just because people from ancient times have made a trend, such as playing and disguising. Now, inconceivable is life without Google's knowledge, Instagram validation or the much-loved Facebook, and many, with any intention of hiding, are making different halves of truths. People simply enjoy lies, no matter what they create, first of all they lie to you. Thus, often from the carefully woven net that "stitches" their own truths, pearls, have permanently suppressed actual loneliness by feeding vanity on sites,…

"We are in war. Not with others but with ourselves. "

My trustworthy availability made me to be the one I am today, even though I have gone through the inferno of mistrust sometime.
I have not healed the hope that my friends can be honest, not only cunning, with desire to show me that I am a valuable woman, no matter how many doors have closed me in the nose.
And you can look at your soul and understand that you are like me: so you can. Anything. Everything.
Smile with confidence in yourself, get up even if you fall, continue to believe…

...you did something without hurting me.

You come back and thank you for that. Not my dear, I did not expect you with the hope of a new beginning. Not even smiling. You're a stranger to me. The best thing you could do was come back. And no, you did not manage to hurt me. For the first time in your life, you did not hurt me. Your return has done well, I realized I deserve more than you have given me. Your presence has shown me you are just part of my past, my heart has shown me that…

Let's talk from man to man. Let me tell you a few things about the woman we both love.

She's sensitive. Equally fear and courage. Spiders scare her the hell out. So if she says is a spider in the room, kill it. Otherwise, she will not sleep all night.
She hates writing messages. She will most likely answer you after a few hours or not at all. Sometimes it disappears for days. You will take this personally but I ask you not to. She just took time and space for her. When it comes back, you'll know how much she missed…

Oh, yes, my dear ones ... On the internet you find everything because it is conceived as a true circus, just because people from ancient times have made a trend, such as playing and disguising. Now, inconceivable is life without Google's knowledge, Instagram validation or the much-loved Facebook, and many, with any intention of hiding, are making different halves of truths. People simply enjoy lies, no matter what they create, first of all they lie to you. Thus, often from the carefully woven net that "stitches" their own truths, pearls, have permanently suppressed actual loneliness by feeding vanity on sites,…

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